Xcentric Fab Co is focused on the design and fabrication of high quality consumer products. Each year we will design, prototype, and produce a set of 6-8 new products, and will launch them all at the same time with a series of short films.

All products will be custom designed by Xcentric and built either by us or by someone in America (In the short term, some products in the apparel line will be made elsewhere, but we plan to eventually onshore those as well). Within each drop there will be 2-3 products that are completely unique to Xcentric that we hope draws attention to our brand, and brings traffic to our website. While on the website our customers will be able to browse our available portfolio, and will also see the ability to hire us to design and develop a product for them. We hope that by consistently introducing desirable products that we gain enough trust from our customers to generate a large portfolio of design & development contracts with individuals who have great ideas, but not the expertise or network to make them reality. We will always design our own products, but we also want to help other people bring their ideas to life.

Our goal is not to have a million customers who kind of like our products & service. Our goal is to have a thousand customers who absolutely love our products & service!